Sunday, November 3, 2019

Industry, Ideology, and their Global Impact, 1700-1912 Assignment

Industry, Ideology, and their Global Impact, 1700-1912 - Assignment Example Thirdly, the period also experienced the development of new working tools and equipment. Lastly, there was the development of new energy sources as well as innovation of production processes that maintained efficient use of power. During the Industrial Revolution, the textile industry was adversely affected in terms of capital invested, employment and the value of output obtained. Most scholars believe that the industrial revolution began in the Great Britain. In this regard, the revolution was initiated by agricultural transformations (in form of changes in the methods of stockbreeding and farming) resulting in increased agricultural output. The British government was able to feed its citizens by providing food at lower price while using less labor (Hatch, 1998). Eventually, there was fast increase in population that provided surplus labor. Ultimately, the British government introduced new industries, such as cottage industries that provided employment to rural workers. Additionally, Britain also had excessive capital for investment in new machinery. The capital accumulation also included profits obtained from the cottage industry. In addition, the well-developed British Central Bank provided flexible credit facilities that provided essential capital to prospective investors. The bank facilitated capital transactions through paper instrument, a service that was novel and was not offered elsewhere in Europe. Additionally, Britain had developed a culture where individuals were solely interested in making profits, business expansion and accumulation of wealth, individually or as a group (Hatch, 1998) . In this regard, most business organizations were often risky, open (hardly considered experience and skills) and were very profitable. Britain was highly endowed with essential minerals such as iron ore and coal. These minerals provided raw materials for the established manufacturing industries. Britain was a small country

Friday, November 1, 2019

What is the main difference between Aristotle's account of virtue and Essay

What is the main difference between Aristotle's account of virtue and Socrates' account of virtue Who has the more plausible view - Essay Example In this way, Aristotle has accepted the Socrate’s account of virtue as related to courage but he is differentiated from Socrates to the following point: courage, which, in the form of knowledge, is for Socrates the basis of virtue (Kahn 1998, p.85), is considered for Aristotle just an element of virtue; the latter, in accordance with Aristotle, is likely to be influenced from other elements and values, such as eudaimonia (Klosko 2006). The differences regarding the views of Socrates and Aristotle on virtue are analytically presented below; explanations are given, as possible by referring to the relevant texts. Also, suggestions are made regarding the potential limitation of the distance between the views of Socrates and Aristotle on virtue and its elements. The key difference between Aristotle’s account of virtue and Socrates’ account of virtue is highlighted in the study of Achtenberg (2002); in accordance with the above researchers, Socrates emphasized on virtue as knowledge, while Aristotle considered virtue as related to the behavioural characteristics of each individual; in the context of Aristotle’s account of virtue, virtue is an element of human behaviour which requires the emotional development of the person involved (Achtenberg 2002, p.24). From this point of view, minors cannot have virtue – at least not in its full form – since their emotional development is still in progress. The importance of knowledge as a criterion for virtue has been the key characteristic of Socrates’ account of virtue. Curren (2000) noted that Plato accepted the view of Socrates that ‘wisdom is a key element of virtue’ (Curren 2000, p.48). It is on this basis that the suggestions of Plato on education have been based. Taking into consideration the fact that virtue can be taught, as Socrates supported, Plato developed the framework

Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Global Health Strategies and Diversity Awareness Research Paper

Global Health Strategies and Diversity Awareness - Research Paper Example In the rest of this paper, I will reflect on the experience using the Bold and John’s model that was provided in class. Stage 1: Return to the Experience In reflecting on the experience, I understood that the eight goals that are provided are easy for anyone to imagine. According to Beck (2011), the goals are as follows: That poverty and hunger is eliminated so that everyone has plenty of food to meet their needs and has a job that pays well and works well for them. That all children have the opportunity to learn and study all over the world. That women and girls are allowed to bring forward all they can in the world. That people experience vibrant health and everyone can afford to have healthcare. That mother and their babies have clean environments in which to have their babies no matter where they are in the world. That people suffering from diseases like Malaria, HIV/AIDS and Tuberculosis are free of these diseases across the world. That people become more concerned with t he environment and begin to take more responsibility for how they individually work with the environment. ... This was a breath-taking speech to me because it showed that one person could do many things in the world by just focusing their attention on these things. I have personally done this in my own life and found that it is rewarding so I could see how focusing around the world on these eight issues could bring about a better world. I decided that I wanted to learn more about the experience. Stage 2: Attend to Feelings At first, I felt that Beck had a good idea, but I did not understand how this could actually be helpful. I decided to look for more information about her and her work. In an article by Beck, Dossey and Kines (2007) a broader explanation of what Beck is attempting to accomplish was revealed. I learned that Beck is attempting to look at the work of Florence Nightingale in nursing. The authors pointed out that there were several countries around the word that see Nightingale’s work as something to be revered. Beck and Dossey decided that there needed a global understan ding of what Nightingale had done and how nurses today could continue what Nightingale started. I was able to develop very good feelings about this project and I felt that I wanted to be a part of it by taking her pledge. I cannot say that I have experience in anything like this, but I can say that it is a good idea. I did not have negative feelings at all when thinking about this because it is a very simple concept. I think that nurses must strive to be the best they can and to help their patients in any way possible. I think that this idea is a good idea because many times, the nurses are holding the example of perfect health for the people they are helping. If one can visualize this on a greater basis, we could possibly heal the

Monday, October 28, 2019

Banned Books Essay Example for Free

Banned Books Essay Throughout history, books have been the target of censorship. At times, these books are even banned from schools and public libraries because the content in them is thought to be too offensive. For this assignment, you will be reading one of these banned books. Which book you read is your decision, however you should keep in mind the appropriateness of your choice- make sure it is a book that your parents would not find objectionable. After you have read the book, you will be writing a persuasive essay defending whether or not the book should or should not be banned from a middle school library. Your essay should include a paragraph that summarizes the book as well as three logical, defendable reasons why the book should or should not be banned from a middle school library. While you may look up the reasons why the book has been challenged in the past, the thoughts expressed in the paper must be your own. You are expected to use the information about persuasive essays learned in class to format this paper. A rubric outlining the expectations will be posted on my Teacher Page. Your essay must be typed and follow the standard requirements for an essay: double-spaced, Times New Roman, one-inch margins. Any secondary sources or research that you use must be documented with in-text citations and included on a Works Cited page. If, at any time, you have questions regarding the book you are reading or the essay you are writing, please ask me.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Advancement in Technology: How it has Lead to a Decrease in Writing Sk

Advancement in Technology: How it has Lead to a Decrease in Writing Skills It’s the 21st century, and technology is rapidly moving more into people's everyday lives, especially as the interest in computers grow. The advancement with computers alone has increased drastically, faster than some would have ever imagined. For the most part, this advancement in computer technology has skyrocketed businesses and eased our lives as a whole in society. However, technology doesn’t always have a positive influence on our lives. In fact, it has the potential to harm a major area of our communication skills if not used carefully. It has been shown that technology is one of the factors as to why writing skills have decreased in the past years. With our nation’s writing skills in a slump, it’s important to note the reasons as to why this trend has started and put an end to it as soon as possible. Computers should be used as a language-learning tool in the classroom, just as any other piece of equipment like a tape recorder or VCR. No one can argue that the computer is one of the most influential tools developed in education. However, in school especially, it seems as if the use of computers has become the center of attention in class lessons, which is where the problem comes in. If for instance, there is a situation when activities at the computer could become the center of attention, teachers should be using more discretion in this area than they currently are today. Relying on computers for every aspect of a lesson will greatly have an effect on a student’s writing capabilities, and it isn’t a positive one. When students are interacting with a computer, they are also using motor skills as well. These motor sk... ... 3e/students/rcd/rcd_ch05.html Haney, W. & Russell, M. (1997). Testing writing on computers. Education Policy Analysis Archives, 5(3), Retrieved October 17, 2004, from Peer-Reviewed Scholarly Electronic Journal database. Jones, Rebecca (Oct1995). Education Digest. Writing Wrongs, Volume 61, page 63. Poor Writing Blamed on Little Practice, Poor Instruction (July 10,2003). Retrieved October 17, 2004, from Toner, Erin (1997). Graduates lack computer, writing skills. Resources from state news staff. Retrieved October 17, 2004 from Using Technology to Enhance the Writing Processes of Students with Learning Disabilities (1996, July). Retrieved October 17, 2004, from

Thursday, October 24, 2019

The Vampire Diaries: The Awakening Chapter Six

September 26 Dear Diary, I'm sorry it's been so long, and I can't really explain why I haven't written-except that there are so many things I feel frightened to talk about, even to you. First, the most terrible thing happened. The day that Bonnie and Meredith and I were at the cemetery, an old man was attacked there, and almost killed. The police still haven't found the person who did it. People think the old man was crazy, because when he woke up he started raving about â€Å"eyes in the dark† and oak trees and things. But I remember what happened t us that night, and I wonder. It scares me. Everyone was scared for a while, and all the kids had to stay inside after dark or go out in groups. But it's been about three weeks now, and no more attacks, so the excitement is dying down. Aunt Judith says it must have been another vagrant that did it. Tyler Smallwood's father even suggested that the old man might have done it to himself-though I would like to see somebody bite himself in the throat. But mostly what I've been busy with is Plan B. As far as it goes, it's been going well. I've gotten severalletters and a bouquet of red roses from â€Å"Jean-Claude† (Meredith's uncle is a florist), and everybody seems to have forgotten that I was ever interested in Stefan. So my social position's secure. Even Caroline hasn't been making any trouble. In fact, I don't know what Caroline is doing these days, and I don't care. I never see her at lunch or after school anymore; she seems to have drawn away from her old crowd completely. There's only one thing I docare about right now. Stefan. Even Bonnie and Meredith don't realize how important he is to me. I'm afraid to tell them; I'm afraid they'll think I'm crazy. At school I wear a mask of calm and control, but on the inside- well, every day it just gets worse. Aunt Judith has started to worry about me. She says I don't eat enough these days, and she's right. I can't seem to concentrate on my classes, or even on anything fun like the Haunted House fund-raiser. I can't concentrate on anything but him. And I don't even understand why. He hasn't spoken to me since that horrible afternoon. But I'll tell you something strange. Last week in history class, I glanced up and caught him looking at me. We were sitting a few seats apart, and he was turned completely sideways in his desk, just looking.For a moment I felt almost frightened, and my heart started pounding, and we just stared at each other -and then he looked away. But since then it's happened twice more, and each time I felt his eyes on me before I saw them. This is the literal truth. I know it's not my imagination. He isn't like any boy I've ever known. He seems so isolated, so lonely. Even though it's his own choice. He's made quite a hit on the football team, but he doesn't hang around with any of the guys, except maybe Matt. Matt's the only one he talks to. He doesn't hang around with any girls, either, thatIcan see, so maybe the narc rumor is doing some good. But it's more like he's avoiding other people than they're avoiding him. He disappears in between classes and after football practice, and I've never once seen him in the cafeteria. He's never invited anybody to his room at the boarding house. He never visits the coffee shop after school . So how can I ever get him someplace where he can't run from me? This is the real problem with Plan B. Bonnie says, â€Å"Why not get stuck in a thunderstorm with him, so you have to huddle together to conserve body warmth?† And Meredith suggested that my car could break down in front of the boarding house. But neither of those ideas is practical,and I'm going insane trying to come up with something better . Every day it's getting worse for me. I feel as if I were a clock or something, winding up tighter and tighter. If I don't find something to do soon, I'll- I was going to say â€Å"die.† The solution came to her quite suddenly and simply. She felt sorry about Matt; she knew he'd been hurt by the Jean-Claude rumor. He'd hardly spoken to her since the story had broken, usually passing her with a quick nod. And when she ran into him one day in an empty hall outside of Creative Writing, he wouldn't meet her eyes. â€Å"Matt-† she began. She wanted to tell him that it wasn't true, that she would never have started seeing another boy without telling him first. She wanted to tell him that she'd never meant to hurt him, and that she felt terrible now. But she didn't know how to begin. Finally, she just blurted out, â€Å"I'm sorry!† and turned to go in to class. â€Å"Elena,† he said, and she turned back. He was looking at her now, at least, his eyes lingering on her lips, her hair. Then he shook his head as if to say the joke was on him. â€Å"Is this French guy for real?† he finally demanded. â€Å"No,† said Elena immediately and without hesitation. â€Å"I made him up,† she added simply, â€Å"to show everybody I wasn't upset about-† She broke off. â€Å"About Stefan. I get it.† Matt nodded, looking both grimmer and somewhat more understanding. â€Å"Look, Elena, thatwas pretty lousy of him. But I don't think he meant it personally. He's that way with everybody-† â€Å"Except you.† â€Å"No. He talks to me, sometimes, but not about anything personal. He never says anything about his family or what he does outside of school. It's like-like there's a wall around him that I can't get through. I don't think he'll ever let anybody get through that wall. Which is a damn shame, because I think that behind it he's miserable.† Elena pondered this, fascinated by a view of Stefan she'd never considered before. He always seemed so controlled, so calm and undisturbed. But then, she knew she seemed that way herself to other people. Was it possible that underneath he was as confused and unhappy as she was? It was then that the idea came, and it was ridiculously simple. No complicated schemes, no thunderstorms or cars breaking down. â€Å"Matt,† she said, slowly, â€Å"don't you think it would be a good thing if somebody did get behind that wall? A good thing for Stefan, I mean? Don't you think that would be the best thing that could happen to him?† She looked up at him intensely, willing him to understand. He stared at her a moment, then shut his eyes briefly and shook his head in disbelief. â€Å"Elena,† he said, â€Å"you are incredible. You twist people around your little finger, and I don't think you even know you're doing it. And now you're going to ask me to do something to help you ambush Stefan, and I'm such a dumb sucker I might even agree to do it.† â€Å"You're not dumb, you're a gentleman. And Ido want to ask you a favor, .but only if you think it's right. I don't want to hurt Stefan, and I don't want to hurt you.† â€Å"Don't you?† â€Å"No. I know how that must sound, but it's true. I only want-† She broke off again. How could she explain what she wanted when she didn't even understand it herself? â€Å"You only want everybody and everything revolving around Elena Gilbert,† he said bitterly. â€Å"You only want everything you don't have.† Shocked, she stepped back and looked at him. Her throat swelled, and warmth gathered in her eyes. â€Å"Don't,† he said. â€Å"Elena, don't look like that. I'm sorry.† He sighed. â€Å"All right, what is it I'm supposed to do? Hog-tie him and dump him on your doorstep?† â€Å"No,† said Elena, still trying to make the tears go back where they belonged. â€Å"I only wanted you to get him to come to the Homecoming Dance next week.† Mart's expression was odd. â€Å"You just want him to be at the dance.† Elena nodded. â€Å"All right. I'm pretty sure he'll be there. And, Elena†¦ there really isn't anybody but you I want to take.† â€Å"All right,† said Elena after a moment. â€Å"And, well, thank you.† Matt's expression was still peculiar. â€Å"Don't thank me, Elena. It's nothing†¦ really.† She was puzzling over that when he turned away and walked down the hall. â€Å"Hold still,† said Meredith, giving Elena's hair a reproving twitch. â€Å"I still think,† said Bonnie from the window seat, â€Å"that they were both wonderful.† â€Å"Who?† Elena murmured absently. â€Å"As if you didn't know,† said Bonnie. â€Å"Those two guys of yours who pulled off the last-minute miracle at the game yesterday. When Stefan caught that last pass, I thought I was going to faint. Or throw up.† â€Å"Oh,please ,† said Meredith. â€Å"And Matt-that boy is simply poetry in motion†¦Ã¢â‚¬  â€Å"And neither of them is mine,† Elena said flatly. Under Meredith's expert fingers, her hair was becoming a work of art, a soft mass of twisted gold. And the dress was all right; the iced-violet color brought out the violet in her eyes. But even to herself she looked pale and steely, not softly flushed with excitement but white and determined, like a very young soldier being sent to the front lines. Standing on the football field yesterday when her name was announced as Homecoming Queen, there had been only one thought in her mind. Hecouldn't refuse to dance with her. If he came to the dance at all, he couldn't refuse the Homecoming Queen. And standing in front of the mirror now, she said it to herself again. â€Å"Tonight anyone you want will be yours,† Bonnie was saying soothingly. â€Å"And, listen, when you get rid of Matt, can I take him off and comfort him?† Meredith snorted. â€Å"What's Raymond going to think?† â€Å"Oh,you can comforthim . But, really, Elena, I like Matt. And once you home in on Stefan, your threesome is going to get a little crowded. So†¦Ã¢â‚¬  â€Å"Oh, do whatever you want. Matt deserves some consideration.† He's certainly not getting it from me, Elena thought. She still couldn't exactly believe what she was doing to him. But just now she couldn't afford to second-guess herself; she needed all her strength and concentration. â€Å"There.† Meredith put the last pin in Elena's hair. â€Å"Now look at us, the Homecoming Queen and her court-or part of it, anyway. We're beautiful.† â€Å"Is that the royal ‘we'?† Elena said mockingly, but it was true. They were beautiful. Meredith's dress was a pure sweep of burgundy satin, gathered tight at the waist and pouring into folds from the hips. Her dark hair hung loose down her back. And Bonnie, as she stood up and joined the others in front of the mirror, was like a shimmering party favor in pink taffeta and black sequins. As for herself†¦ Elena scanned her image with an experienced eye and thought again, The dress is all right. The only other phrase that came to mind wascrystallized violets . Her grandmother had kept a little jar of them, real flowers dipped in crystallized sugar and frozen. They went downstairs together, as they had for every dance since the seventh grade-except that before, Caroline had always been with them. Elena realized with faint surprise that she didn't even know who Caroline was going with tonight. Aunt Judith and Robert-soon to be Uncle Robert-were in the living room, along with Margaret in her pajamas. â€Å"Oh, you girls all look lovely,† said Aunt Judith, as fluttery and excited as if she were going to the dance herself. She kissed Elena, and Margaret held up her arms for a hug. â€Å"You're pretty,† she said with four-year-old simplicity. Robert was looking at Elena, too. He blinked, opened his mouth, and closed it again. â€Å"What's the matter, Bob?† â€Å"On.† He looked at Aunt Judith, seeming embarrassed. â€Å"Well, actually, it just occurred to me that Elena is a form of the name Helen. And for some reason I was thinking of Helen of Troy.† â€Å"Beautiful and doomed,† said Bonnie happily. â€Å"Well, yes,† said Robert, not looking happy at all. Elena said nothing. The doorbell rang. Matt was on the step, in his familiar blue sports coat. With him were Ed Goff, Meredith's date, and Raymond Hernandez, Bonnie's. Elena looked for Stefan. â€Å"He's probably already there,† said Matt, interpreting her glance. â€Å"Listen, Elena-† But whatever he had been about to say was cut off in the chatter from the other couples. Bonnie and Raymond went with them in Matt's car, and kept up a constant stream of witticisms all the way to the school. Music drifted out the open doors of the auditorium. As Elena stepped out of the car, a curious certainty rushed over her. Something was going to happen, she realized, looking at the square bulk of the school building. The peaceful low gear of the last few weeks was about to slip into high. I'm ready, she thought. And hoped it was true. Inside, it was a kaleidoscope of color and activity. She and Matt were mobbed the instant they came in, and compliments rained down on both of them. Elena's dress†¦ her hair†¦ her flowers. Matt was a legend in the making: another Joe Montana, a sure bet for an athletic scholarship. In the dizzying whirl that should have been life and breath to her, Elena kept searching for one dark head. Tyler Smallwood was breathing heavily on her, smelling of punch and Brut and Doublemint gum. His date was looking murderous. Elena ignored him in the hopes that he would go away. Mr. Tanner passed by with a soggy paper cup, looking as if his collar was strangling him. Sue Carson, the other senior homecoming princess, breezed up and cooed over the violet dress. Bonnie was already out on the dance floor, shimmering under the lights. But nowhere did Elena see Stefan. One more whiff of Doublemint and she was going to be sick. She nudged Matt and they escaped to the refreshment table, where Coach Lyman launched into a critique of the game. Couples and groups came up to them, spending a few minutes and then retreating to make room for the next in line. Just as if we reallywere royalty, thought Elena wildly. She glanced sideways to see if Matt shared her amusement, but he was looking fixedly off to his left. She followed his gaze. And there, half concealed behind a cluster of football players, was the dark head she'd been looking for. Unmistakable, even in this dim light. A thrill went through her, more of pain than anything else. â€Å"Now what?† said Matt, his jaw set. â€Å"The hog-tying?† â€Å"No. I'm going to ask him to dance, that's all. I'll wait until we've danced first, if you want.† He shook his head, and she set out toward Stefan through the crowd. Piece by piece, Elena registered information about him as she approached. His black blazer was of a subtly different cut than the other boys', more elegant, and he wore a white cashmere sweater under it. He stood quite still, not fidgeting, a little apart from the groups around him. And, although she could see him only in profile, she could see he wasn't wearing his glasses. He took them off for football, of course, but she'd never seen him close up without them. It made her feel giddy and excited, as if this were a masquerade and the unmasking time had come. She focused on his shoulder, the line of his jaw, and then he was turning toward her. In that instant, Elena was aware that she was beautiful. It wasn't just the dress, or the way her hair was done. She was beautiful in herself: slender, imperial, a thing made of silk and inner fire. She saw his lips part slightly, reflexively, and then she looked up into his eyes. â€Å"Hello.† Was that her own voice, so quiet and self-assured? His eyes were green. Green as oak leaves in summer. â€Å"Are you having a good time?† she said. I am now . He didn't say it, but she knew it was what he was thinking; she could see it in the way he stared at her. She had never been so sure of her power. Except that actually he didn't look as if he were having a good time; he looked stricken, in pain, as if he couldn't take one more minute of this. The band was starting up, a slow dance. He was still staring at her, drinking her in. Those green eyes darkening, going black with desire. She had the sudden feeling that he might jerk her to him and kiss her hard, without ever saying a word. â€Å"Would you like to dance?† she said softly. I'm playing with fire, with something I don't understand, she thought suddenly. And in that instant she realized that she was frightened. Her heart began to pound violently. It was as if those green eyes spoke to some part of her that was buried deep beneath the surface-and that part was screaming â€Å"danger† at her. Some instinct older than civilization was telling her to run, to flee. She never moved. The same force that was terrifying her was holding her there. This is out of control, she thought suddenly. Whatever was happening here was beyond her understanding, was nothing normal or sane. But there was no stopping it now, and even while frightened she was reveling in it. It was the most intense moment she'd ever experienced with a boy, but nothing at all was happening. He was just gazing at her, as if hypnotized, and she was gazing back, while the energy shimmered between them like heat lightning. She saw his eyes go darker, defeated, and felt the wild leap of her own heart as he slowly stretched out one hand. And then it all shattered. â€Å"Why, Elena, how sweet you look,† said a voice, and Elena's vision was dazzled with gold. It was Caroline, her auburn hair rich and glossy, her skin tanned to a perfect bronze. She was wearing a dress of pure gold lame that showed an incredibly daring amount of that perfect skin. She slipped one bare arm through Stefan's and smiled lazily up at him. They were stunning together, like a couple of international models slumming at a high school dance, far more glamorous and sophisticated than anyone else in the room. â€Å"And that little dress is so pretty ,† continued Caroline, while Elena's mind kept on running on automatic. That casually possessive arm linked with Stefan's told her everything: where Caroline had been at lunch these past weeks, what she had been up to all this time. â€Å"I told Stefan we simply had to stop by for a moment, but we're not going to stay long. So you don't mind if I keep him to myself for the dances, do you?† Elena was strangely calm now, her mind a humming blank. She said no, of course she didn't mind, and watched Caroline move away, a symphony in auburn and gold. Stefan went with her. There was a circle of faces around Elena; she turned from them and came up against Matt. â€Å"You knew he was coming with her.† â€Å"I knew she wanted him to. She's been following him around at lunchtime and after school, and kind of forcing herself on him. But†¦Ã¢â‚¬  â€Å"I see.† Still held in that queer, artificial calm, she scanned the crowd and saw Bonnie coming toward her, and Meredith leaving her table. They'd seen, then. Probably everyone had. Without a word to Matt, she moved toward them, heading instinctively for the girls' rest room. It was packed with bodies, and Meredith and Bonnie kept their remarks bright and casual while looking at her with concern. â€Å"Did you see that dress?† said Bonnie, squeezing Elena's fingers secretly. â€Å"The front must be held on with superglue. And what's she going to wear to the next dance? Cellophane?† â€Å"Handiwrap,† said Meredith. She added in a low voice, â€Å"Are you okay?† â€Å"Yes.† Elena could see in the mirror that her eyes were too bright and that there was one spot of color burning on each cheek. She smoothed her hair and turned away. The room emptied, leaving them in privacy. Bonnie was fiddling nervously with the sequined bow at her waist now. â€Å"Maybe it isn't such a bad thing after all,† she said quietly. â€Å"I mean, you haven't thought about anything else but him in weeks. Nearly a month. And so maybe it's just for the best, and you can move on to other things now, instead of†¦ well, chasing him.† Et tu, Brute? thought Elena. â€Å"Thank you so much for your support,† she said aloud. â€Å"Now, Elena, don't be like that,† Meredith put in. â€Å"She isn't trying to hurt you, she just thinks-† â€Å"And I suppose you think so, too? Well, that's fine. I'll just go out and find myself some other things to move on to. Like some other best friends.† She left them both staring after her. Outside, she threw herself into the whirl of color and music. She was brighter than she had ever been at any dance before. She danced with everyone, laughing too loudly, flirting with every boy in her path. They were calling her to come up and be crowned. She stood on the stage, looking down on the butterfly-bright figures below. Someone gave her flowers; someone put a rhinestone tiara on her head. There was clapping. It all passed as if in a dream. She flirted with Tyler because he was closest when she came off the stage. Then she remembered what he and Dick had done to Stefan, and she broke off one of the roses from her bouquet and gave it to him. Matt was looking on from the sidelines, his mouth tight. Tyler's forgotten date was almost in tears. She could smell alcohol along with the mint on Tyler's breath now, and his face was red. His friends were around her, a shouting, laughing crowd, and she saw Dick pour something from a brown paper bag into his glass of punch. She'd never been with this group before. They welcomed her, admiring her, the boys vying for her attention. Jokes flew back and forth, and Elena laughed even when they didn't make sense. Tyler's arm circled her waist, and she just laughed harder. Out of the corner of her eye she saw Matt shake his head and walk away. The girls were getting shrill, the boys rowdy. Tyler was nuzzling moistly at her neck. â€Å"I've got an idea,† he announced to the group, hugging Elena more tightly to him. â€Å"Let's go someplace more fun.† Somebody shouted, â€Å"Like where, Tyler? Your dad's house?† Tyler was grinning, a big, boozy, reckless grin. â€Å"No, I mean someplace where we can leave our mark. Like the cemetery.† The girls squealed. The boys elbowed each other and faked punches. Tyler's date was still standing outside the circle. â€Å"Tyler, that's crazy,† she said, her voice high and thin. â€Å"You know what happened to that old man. I won't go there.† â€Å"Great, then, you stay here.† Tyler fished keys out of his pocket and waved them at the rest of the crowd. â€Å"Whoisn't afraid?† he said. â€Å"Hey, I'm up for it,† said Dick, and there was a chorus of approval. â€Å"Me, too,† said Elena, clear and defiant. She smiled up at Tyler, and he practically swung her off her feet. And then she and Tyler were leading a noisy, roughhousing group out into the parking lot, where they were all piling into cars. And then Tyler was putting the top of his convertible down and she was climbing in, with Dick and a girl named Vickie Bennett squashing into the back seat. â€Å"Elena!† somebody shouted, far away, from the lighted doorway at the school. â€Å"Drive,† she said to Tyler, taking off her tiara, and the engine growled to life. They burned rubber out of the parking lot, and the cool night wind blew into Elena's face.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Life Easier Today Than It Was 50 Years Ago Essay

When you write a paper, you use some information that you have read in books, journals, on the Internet, etc. Your teacher might have told you, â€Å"Use your own words.† In other words, even when you use someone else’s information, you are not allowed to use the words they wrote. You have to use your own. You have to say the same thing in a different way. This is called paraphrasing. For example, if the book you are reading from says, â€Å"John Adams, who was involved in winning independence for the United States, was the second President.† You cannot write those words in your paper. You cannot even write, â€Å"John Adams, a man involved in winning independence for the United States, was its second President.† One way that you could re-write it is to say, â€Å"The second American President, John Adams, was also influential in gaining freedom for the country.† However, in spite of being told to use your own words, you might not know how to do it. There are a variety of techniques you can use. You can change the words for words of similar meaning; you can change the grammar; you can change the grammar or grammatical forms. In this reading, you will learn about ways that you can paraphrase. Methods of Paraphrasing Before you even begin to paraphrase, you need to make certain that you understand what you are reading. If you do not understand what you read, you cannot paraphrase it. There are six ways that you can change sentences to paraphrase the information. You will probably not use all of them in the same sentence, but you can use ones that are appropriate. (In each of the examples, only one change is made. This is not enough if you are actually paraphrasing.) Read about each type of change, and look at the examples. Then make that type of change in the sample sentences that follow. Changing Word Order One way you can change a sentence for paraphrasing is to change the word order. For example, you might change â€Å"Because I slept too late, I missed my first class† to â€Å"I missed my first class because I slept too late,† or â€Å"In order to pass that class, I had to study very hard† to â€Å"I had to study very hard in order to pass that class.† It is sometimes necessary to change the wording of the parts of the sentences. For example, â€Å"Terry wanted more books, but he couldn’t afford them,† can be changed to â€Å"Terry couldn’t afford more books, even though he wanted them.† 1. If you’re going to New York for Christmas, be sure to take warm clothes. __Be sure to take warm clothes, if you’re going to New York for Christmas.___________ ________________________________________________________________________________ 2. Even though the weather was good, Joan was in a bad mood. ___Joan was in a bad mood, even though the weather was good._____________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ 3. I had no money, so I borrowed some. __I borrowed some money, because I had none._____________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ Changing Parts of Speech You can also change parts of speech. If the sentence uses a noun, you can rewrite the sentence to use the verb or adjective form of the word, for example. You can change â€Å"Fifty-four men signed the Declaration of Independence† to â€Å"Fifty-four men put their signatures on the Declaration of Independence.† 1. The company needs to find a solution for this problem. __The company needs to solve this problem.______________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ 2. The poor economy has been the cause of high unemployment. ___The poor economy has caused high unemployment.______________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ 3. If you eat rabbit, you will find its taste like chicken. __If you eat rabbit, you will find it tastes like chicken.______________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ Using Synonyms English has many synonyms — words that have the same or similar meanings — so another way you can paraphrase is to change one word for a synonym. For example, you could change â€Å"Movies can be divided into three categories† to â€Å"Movies can be divided into three types.† 1. The way a person dresses affects the impression that other people have. __ The way a person dresses influences the image that other people have.___ ________________________________________________________________________________ 2. That phrase means â€Å"in a happy way.† ___That expression means â€Å"in a cheerful way.†_____________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ 3. There is little chance that the situation will improve. ___There is little possibility that the circumstances will get better.__________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ Using Negatives or Opposite Expressions Another way to paraphrase is to change a positive expression into a negative expression, or a negative expression into a positive expression. You could change â€Å"Rather than building a traditional memorial, the city built a park† to â€Å"The city did not build a traditional memorial; instead it built a park.† 1. Shaun was disappointed, because the movie wasn’t very good. ___Shaun wasn’t satisfied, because the movie wasn’t very good.______________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ 2. Japan is not a small country, compared to European countries. __Japan is a large country, compared to European countries.________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ 3. Geri wanted some candy, but there wasn’t any in the bowl. __Geri wanted some candy, but the bowl was empty.________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ Combining or Separating Sentences Long sentences can be divided, and short sentences can be combined with other short sentences. You can change â€Å"Ireland is a wonderful country, which has beautiful scenery, friendly people, and an interesting history† to â€Å"Ireland is a wonderful country. It has beautiful scenery, friendly people, and an interesting history.† You can also change â€Å"Ireland is a wonderful country. It has beautiful scenery, friendly people, and an interesting history† to â€Å"Ireland, which is a wonderful country, has beautiful scenery, friendly people, and an interesting history.† 1. Elizabeth I was the daughter of Henry VIII. She is one of England’s most famous queens. __Elizabeth I, who was the daughter of Henry VIII, was one of England’s most________ __famous queens.________________________________________________________________ 2. This book is about a woman who pretended to be a man to join the army in World War II. It is one of Lynn’s favorite books. ___This book, which is one of Lynn’s favorites, is about a woman who pretended to___ ___be a man to join the army in World War II.______________________________________ 3. If you go to London, you should be sure to visit Westminster Abbey, where many of the kings and queens of England, as well as other famous people, are buried. __If you go to London, you should be sure to visit Westminster Abbey. Many kings and_ __queens of England are buried there. Other famous people are buried there, too.______ Using Different Grammar – Structure, Voice You can paraphrase by changing the grammar of a sentence, for example, but changing from active voice (â€Å"The dog bit the man†) to passive voice (â€Å"The man was bitten by the dog†) or by making other changes in the grammar. You can change â€Å"It is not unusual for June to be a rainy month here† to â€Å"June is often a rainy month here,† or â€Å"It is thought that this new plan will save money† to â€Å"Many people think that this new plan will save money.† 1. Various languages are spoken in this country. __The people of this country speak various languages._______________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ 2. Frank studied French, and, as a result, he translated for our visitors from France. __Frank could translate for our visitors from France, because he had studied French.__ ________________________________________________________________________________ 3. Tom McGovern got married three times and had five children. ___Tom McGovern had three wives and was the father of five._______________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ Exercise Read the following sentences and paraphrase them, combining the techniques that you learned in this article. 1. Gone with the Wind, which was published in 1936, covered 12 years of the life of a woman named Scarlett O’Hara during and after the Civil War. It began when she was 16 year old and tells the story of her love for two men. ___Published in 1936, Gone with the Wind was the story of Scarlett O’Hara and the___ ___two men she loved. It covers Scarlett’s life from the time she was 16 until she was__ ___28, during the Civil War and the years that followed.____________________________